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Proposed: Commercial Light Industry and Storage Sites at Star Lake

Letters of Opposition sent to Manitoba Parks

Dale Sobkowich, Head of Commercial Policy, Planning and Programing, Parks

Dear Dale,

I received your letter regarding cottage based businesses and storage sites. I am particularly concerned about the Star Lake site you have identified for commercial light industrial development. My family and I have a cottage at Star Lake, Block 6 lot 20 and have been there for 56 years.

We did experience at one time with our next door neighbour, the problems arising with cottage based businesses. He ran a construction company out of his cottage and we often found the equipment usage, traffic, parking and noise particularly frustrating. I am not convinced, however, that the solution you present will eliminate these problems.

Firstly, there is no indication what these cottage based businesses will be. There is no indication, other than equipment as to what might be stored at this site. While you indicate that conservation and climate staff in conjunction with members of the Commercial Light Industry Storage Group have developed eligibility criteria, guidelines and standard operational conditions for site development, there is nothing in your letter to tell us, the cottage owners what these are. And more importantly, there has been no consultation with cottagers while these criteria and guidelines and operational conditions have been developed, leaving me with many questions and grave concerns.

The site you describe is not very far from the cottages along the top road of Block 6 and even though we are closer to the beach, I am very concerned that noise, which travels so easily in the park, will reach all of us. I remember when the site was used as an old dump and I also remember when the province allowed logging trucks to access their logging sites using these roads. On a good day, you could hear them rumbling and humming along, and not in a good way. This is certainly not conducive to cottage life. In addition, I recall the dust being kicked up along those very dry roads, smoke from fires ( at the dump) and smells from various undertakings.

One of my biggest concerns is that these back roads at Star Lake are used by walkers, hikers and cyclists regularly, with cottage owners, day trippers and other visitors who are looking to get off the beaten path. I don’t used these trails much anymore but I used to be a regular “consumer” of the back country and I know how wonderful it is to get away to these areas.

One of my other big concerns is the increase in traffic along the only road that leads into Star Lake Block 4,5 and 6. Once again, this road is used by walkers, hikers and cyclists, not only from Star Lake but from other areas as well. It is also the road used by day picnickers, people who come to fish and those who want to launch their boats on Star Lake. Add in the hundreds of cottage owners that use that road to access their cottages, it makes for a busy place. Any increase to the existing traffic is going to cause problems.

It is for the reasons I have outlined that my family and I are opposed to the site you have identified at Star Lake for possible cottage based business development and storage.

Thank you for the opportunity to express my concerns.

Maureen Miller

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