Proposed: Commercial Light Industry and Storage Sites at Star Lake
Letters of Opposition sent to Manitoba Parks
To: Dale Sobkowich Head of Commercial Policy, Planning and Programming, Parks
Cc: Sarah Guillemard, Minister of Conservation and Climate
Good day
The following is in response to the information posted on the Star Lake Facebook Page regarding the “Proposed Commercial Light Industrial and Storage Sites at Star Lake.”
We have been cottaging at Star lake for 34 years. When our kids were small favorite activities included walks to the gold mine and to the sand pits. We still enjoy our walks to these areas marveling are the transformation of the landscape and its ongoing succession. It seems like quite a fitting thing for a park, to heal wounds in the landscape and return to a natural state.
We are disheartened to hear about the proposed development of commercial sites on these lands. We a particularly disheartened that there appears to have been no public process or deliberate planning involved in the proposal. Certainly Parks has a responsibility to its constituents, interested parties and neighbours as well as to the integrity of the land.
I am sure that there are many compelling reasons to provide commercial lots near to the developed areas of the park. It may even be appropriate for Parks to set aside public lands and develop such lots. I imagine that the many businesses who provide services to park cottagers need suitable sites to efficiently conduct their business.
A reasonable planning process would document those needs, set out criteria for development and set out operating criteria. A reasonable process would anticipate that citizens would be interested and engage them in a meaningful conversation. A reasonable process would scan all potential sites and seek to propose a plan that meets the development criteria while addressing legitimate citizen concerns.
Perhaps Parks should reconsider this apparent ad hoc proposal and engage in a reasonable process.
Jeff and Christine Frank
Block 2, Lot 5 Star Lake
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