Welcome to the Manitoba Dragonfly Survey website on NatureNorth.com!
Please check out Ducks Unlimited Canada's: Project Dragonfly!
Dragonfly Festival at Oak Hammock Marsh
Check Oak Hammock Marsh Interpretive Centre activities calendar for insect and dragonfly events: Click Here.
Click the picture on the right for some photos from the 2008 Festival.
And check out what our odonatical friends to the south in Minnesota are
up to!
Download their MOSP Newsletter
(PDF 700 Kb).
have been used as indicator species for assessing habitat and water quality
in a variety of wetlands, riparian forests, and lakeshore habitats around
the world. Scientists in Europe, Japan and the U.S. have had good success
in establishing citizen monitoring networks to collect data for regional
or national dragonfly survey and environmental monitoring projects. Teachers,
school groups, nature societies, and other interested citizens groups
or individual volunteers have been recruited for these projects. Monitoring
guides are made available to recruits so that data is recorded and specimens
are collected according to a survey standards. Over the course of several
years, the data and specimens collected usually result in the compilation
of local dragonfly atlases and field guides, as well as contributing to
an international database. Inspired by the success of a dragonfly survey
now underway in Minnesota, we decided to initiate a dragonfly survey here.
Significant efforts have been made in assessing the diversity of dragonflies
in Manitoba, especially in urban areas. Many questions remain, however,
about the occurrence of dragonfly species throughout the province. The
results of this survey will be compiled in a dragonfly atlas and field
guide, and will become part of the Conservation Data Centre database.
The results will also contribute information to the database and mapping
project of the Dragonfly Society of the Americas and the Odonata information
network of the Worldwide Dragonfly Association. A detailed Manitoba dragonfly
atlas and field guide will be one of the products of the survey. Interested
volunteers are invited to become involved to help us achieve these goals.
Survey participants in all areas of the province are welcome.
1) To survey and inventory Manitoba dragonflies.
2) To compare dragonfly diversity in undisturbed, disturbed, or managed
3) To identify uncommon dragonfly species and to determine if specific
habitats are important for their conservation.
4) To cooperate with other monitoring efforts in Manitoba and elsewhere.
Survey Organization
The Manitoba Dragonfly Survey, based in Winnipeg, was established in
1999 and is being coordinated by Jim Duncan. We would like to encourage
your continued feedback to evaluate this guide book and the methods described.
Your efforts are greatly appreciated. Please send your comments, data
and specimens to:
Dragonfly Survey
Manitoba Wildlife and Ecosystem Protection Branch,
Box 24, 200 Saulteaux Crescent,
Winnipeg, MB R3J 3W3
Telephone: 204-945-7465 email:
Involved in the Survey
The Manitoba Dragonfly Survey has been operating since 1999 with the
aid of over 300 volunteers. We are always looking for new volunteers.
If you'd like to get involved in the survey as an individual or with a
group or school follow this link:
Join the Dragonfly Survey
To view our Dragonflies of Manitoba Education Program, click the green
of Manitoba Education Program