Events and Issues facing Star Lake Archive
Notes on older issues and events are kept here for posterity.
Issues | Events
Moved on July 1, 2023:
January 2023, I was sent some cool drone images of Star Lake taken over the holidays: Have a look!
Previous Issues - some of which are still worth keeping an eye on.
I have requested an update from Parks on several issues including mining activity, main beach dock replacement, hunting rules and maps, ATV signage, and boating activity. I will post the responses I receive shortly, I hope. Here is what I requested: Email Request to Parks.
I have also updated my essay on hunting safety: Hunting Safety.
A couple of other issues have been raised by folks, most notably lake level and culvert maintenance on the outflow of Star Lake to West Hawk Lake. Folks on the north side of the lake have been encouraging Parks and Highways to be more vigilant.
Another issue facing the south Whiteshell is the potential twinning of Hwy #1 for the 15 km from Falcon Lake to the Ontario border. It will likely be several years before we see any action on this, but I hope our government will keep us informed and consult those most affected by this issue.
Personally, I think we could all save a ton of money and save lives by simply reducing the speed limit on this section. Speed limits are regularly reduced during road construction and are only a minor inconvenience. Why not propose this as a means to deal with this situation? Consider this, at 100 km/hr the time to cover 15 km is about 9 minutes; at 80 km/hr it's just over 11 minutes. Is 2 minutes out of your life worth it to save some lives?
A Real Important Event! - Star Lake Family Fun Day returned for 2022: Here's some images and a video from July 30!
Spring Flooding! - Here's some images from the spring flooding: Winter's Last Kick!
July 2022 Update - Star Lake water level seems to be back to near normal and folks can enjoy boating and other on-the-water activities once again. Though, please be aware of debris from spring flooding!
Main beach docks: As you know the two large docks at either end of the Star Lake public beach were damaged and have now been removed. Proper ropes and buoys are in place to designate and protect the beach swimming area. The old dock cribs have yet to be removed though and remain a safety hazard. We need to keep up pressure on Parks to make our beach a safe place.
I hope that Parks will consult us when it comes time to make decisions about replacement (or not) of the public docks on our beach. And I hope that folks will give some thought to what they want for our beach. Given the economic and other constraints facing Parks in the aftermath of the flooding we need to make sure that Star Lake isn't forgotten!
Please get in touch with your thoughts at the email link below or post them to the Star Lake Cottagers FaceBook Page.
Mining Exploration - Please read this article regarding current mining exploration south of Star Lake: Mining activities in Our Backyard?
Meeting with Parks re Mining Operations! - On March 3, 2022 I had an online meeting with Joanne Podolchuk, Park Specialist and Glen Holmes, Senior Manager, Planning and Coordination, both of Parks Branch. We discussed the possibility of the above mentioned mining issue and several other topics. You can read my meeting notes at this link: Mar. 3 Meeting Notes re: Mining Operations at Star Lake!
Please read the essay on Hunting Safety below. You can read the reply from Parks I received Oct. 6 with some comments and the reply I sent back to Parks. A tragic hunting death just outside Whiteshell Park is a reminder to us all.
Keep up-to-date on the fire situation on the Whiteshell Cottager's Website and Manitoba Conservation and Climate's Wildfire Service which includes an interactive map of current fires: FireView 2021. And let's all pray for more rain! (Guess the prayers worked!)
Previous Issues - some of which are still worth keeping an eye on.
I have requested an update from Parks on several issues including mining activity, main beach dock replacement, hunting rules and maps, ATV signage, and boating activity. I will post the responses I receive shortly, I hope. Here is what I requested: Email Request to Parks.
I have also updated my essay on hunting safety: Hunting Safety.
A couple of other issues have been raised by folks, most notably lake level and culvert maintenance on the outflow of Star Lake to West Hawk Lake. Folks on the north side of the lake have been encouraging Parks and Highways to be more vigilant.
Another issue facing the south Whiteshell is the potential twinning of Hwy #1 for the 15 km from Falcon Lake to the Ontario border. It will likely be several years before we see any action on this, but I hope our government will keep us informed and consult those most affected by this issue.
Personally, I think we could all save a ton of money and save lives by simply reducing the speed limit on this section. Speed limits are regularly reduced during road construction and are only a minor inconvenience. Why not propose this as a means to deal with this situation? Consider this, at 100 km/hr the time to cover 15 km is about 9 minutes; at 80 km/hr it's just over 11 minutes. Is 2 minutes out of your life worth it to save some lives?
A Real Important Event! - Star Lake Family Fun Day returned for 2022: Here's some images and a video from July 30!
Spring Flooding! - Here's some images from the spring flooding: Winter's Last Kick!
July Update - Star Lake water level seems to be back to near normal and folks can enjoy boating and other on-the-water activities once again. Though, please be aware of debris from spring flooding!
Main beach docks: As you know the two large docks at either end of the Star Lake public beach were damaged and have now been removed. Proper ropes and buoys are in place to designate and protect the beach swimming area. The old dock cribs have yet to be removed though and remain a safety hazard. We need to keep up pressure on Parks to make our beach a safe place.
I hope that Parks will consult us when it comes time to make decisions about replacement (or not) of the public docks on our beach. And I hope that folks will give some thought to what they want for our beach. Given the economic and other constraints facing Parks in the aftermath of the flooding we need to make sure that Star Lake isn't forgotten!
Please get in touch with your thoughts at the email link below or post them to the Star Lake Cottagers FaceBook Page.
Mining Exploration - Please read this article regarding current mining exploration south of Star Lake: Mining activities in Our Backyard?
Meeting with Parks re Mining Operations! - On March 3, 2022 I had an online meeting with Joanne Podolchuk, Park Specialist and Glen Holmes, Senior Manager, Planning and Coordination, both of Parks Branch. We discussed the possibility of the above mentioned mining issue and several other topics. You can read my meeting notes at this link: Mar. 3 Meeting Notes re: Mining Operations at Star Lake!.
"Provincial Parks Endowment Funds" - have your say at Engage Manitoba Provincial Parks Endowment Funds. When you have the ability to influence your government, use it!
"South Whiteshell Garbage Cages to be Removed and Replaced with Depot Sites". Check out the WCA website (link below) for updates on Parks' plans for garbage services. Say goodbye to yet another service in the Park. No doubt fees will rise again, too. Take a last look at our Blk 6 Garbage cage with it's great Peanuts artwork! GONE NOW.
And here's a look at the new garbage/recycling site along Hwy 301 that we can all DRIVE TO to deposit our waste now. The old brown cages are gone, replaced by three brown metal dumpsters and a new blue cardboard cage. I hope the bears know they're not allowed to go dumpster diving.
And here's a look (Jan. 17, 2022) at the new garbage bins after a weekend in January. Hope there's going to be more bins put out or more pickups come May!
Please read the essay on Hunting Safety below. You can read the reply from Parks I received Oct. 6 with some comments and the reply I sent back to Parks. A tragic hunting death just outside Whiteshell Park is a reminder to us all.
Keep up-to-date on the fire situation on the Whiteshell Cottager's Website and Manitoba Conservation and Climate's Wildfire Service which includes an interactive map of current fires: FireView 2021. And let's all pray for more rain! (Guess the prayers worked!)
Boat dock at the public beach - the public dock at the boat launch by the beach is in rough shape. Use caution when using the dock and let's all bug Parks to get it fixed or replaced. It's a safety issue! A new end of dock bracket has been installed, the rest of the dock still needs work. (Spring flooding in 2022 means repairs will take a while!)
Boat launch at the public beach - the state of the boat launch ramp remains an issue. Parks added gravel to the end of the concrete slabs last year. Inconsiderate boaters "power-loading" their boats back onto trailers last fall blew the gravel away leaving a deep drop off at the end of the slabs and a pile of gravel nearly reaching the surface a few meters back from the hole. Use extreme caution if launching boats (now that the ice is off the lake) and refrain from "power-loading" in the future. (Spring flooding in 2022 means repairs will take a while!)
Dangerous Mine Shaft - one of the old mine shafts up the road south of Star Lake is partially open, again. Someone has been damaging the surrounding fence and opened a large access hole. I brought this up with Parks last summer. Hopefully it's on their "to do" list to repair.
As of August 30, 2021 the open shaft remains a hazard. We may need to pressure Parks for the necessary safety repairs.
For a picture of the site: Click Here.
Archives: I will keep some information permanently on this site for future reference.
Cottage Light Industry Storage Site (CLISS) proposal information is archived at this link.
Events at Star Lake
Star Lake Days - Star Lake Days are back for 2022, July 30, great to hear! Follow the updates on the Star Lake FaceBook page.
Star Lake Family Fun Day returned for 2022: Here's some images and a video from July 30!
Meteor Fest - back for 2022, July 8 - 10! See the FaceBook page: Meteor Fest is Back!
Beaver Days - hopefully back in 2022!
Issues Facing Star Lake
In this section I want to raise issues that may impact cottagers at Star Lake. For now, these are just topics to think about. I'm going to post some of my own thoughts later on, but I'd welcome your input/feedback.
Send suggestions, thoughts, and information via email at this link:
(Please remember, if you want anything posted to this site you must be willing to have your name included.)
Some things to think about:
- Developments by Manitoba Parks
(We need to be consulted first about plans for Star Lake!)
- Actions and Developments by Manitoba Hydro
(Maintenance of the substation and transmission line?)
- Personal Water Craft
(Fun for some, annoying to many?)
- All Terrain Vehicles (ATVs)
(Illegal to use in the Park, but numbers are increasing?)
(New regulations great for hunters, annoying and dangerous for the rest?) Hunting season starts soon. Are you OK with hunters on the Hydro Line less than 300 m from your cottage?
(Please read my essay on Hunting Safety from this link.)
- Trapping
(Still allowed in the Park, definite danger to pets and children?)
- Bird Feeders
(Fun to watch, but can be bad for birds and attracts nuisance wildlife?)
- Other Wildlife Feeding
(Fun to see squirrels and deer, not great to attract skunks and bears?)
- Light Pollution
(Floodlights and yard lights: security or blinding nuisance?)
- Noise Pollution
(Loud music, radios, parties, loud cars and motorcycles? Spoils peace and quiet?)
- Brush/Leaf Dumping
(It's illegal to dump brush and leaves in ditches or along trails, but it happens a lot.)
- Road Conditions/Maintenance
(Our roads are famous for their wash-boarding, what can be done?)
- Day-use by Non-cottagers
("Public beach" results in more traffic (car and boat), more garbage and noise?)
- Water Quality
(Algal blooms from run-off, pollution from boating, etc.)
(Not currently active, but no prohibitions against future developments!) NEW - Mining activities in Our Backyard?
- Multiple buildings on cottage lots
(Multiple residences on lots increasing density and vehicle traffic.) - Speed Limits and Signs
(One sign for 30 km/hr at the entry to cottage developments, often ignored?)
- Pets Off-leash
(Technically illegal in Parks, consequences can be fatal?)
- Cottage Rentals
(Renting to family and friends, or cottage-based businesses? Regulations?)
Got something to add to these thoughts? Send it along via the email link above.
And, please remember, the way to deal with any issue, controversy or complaint is through communication, consideration and respect for others.
The annoying ad below just lets me keep track of how much traffic this page receives.
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