
Front Page

Summer Issue

Wildflowers of the Tall Grass Prairies




Wildflowers of the Tall Grass Prairie

Wildflowers of the Tall Grass Prairie

By Johnny Caryopsis

[We had to replace that old decrepit version of this article from 1998, but Johnny's working on an even better article on prairie wildflowers. Watch for it coming sometime in 2013.]

The Wildflowers

The tall grass prairie is "in-bloom" from May until September with an ever changing array of wildflowers, each with its own brief flowering period. The plants are presented here in the order in which they bloom on the prairie. These wildflowers are some of the most spectacular plants to be found anywhere on earth! And that's not just the prejudice of an admitted prairie fanatic. Many of the horticultural perennials you may already be growing in your garden owe their origins to the tall grass prairie. Liatris, black-eyed susans, purple coneflowers, gaillardias, goldenrods and many others found their way to gardens via collecting trips by European horticulturists to North American prairies. (Don't forget, all garden plants have a wild ancestor somewhere.) But here's the real proof to my claim, the plants themselves! Enjoy!

Click on each link below to see an image of that plant and some information about it.

Early Bloomers

Prairie Crocus Three-flowered Avens Early Blue Violet
Smooth Fleabane Blue-eyed Grass Low Prairie Rose

Mid-season Flowers

Gaillardia Wild Bergamot Prairie Lily
Dwarf False Indigo Black-eyed Susan Pink-flowered Onion
Yellow Coneflower Purple Prairie-clover Western Prairie Fringed Orchid

Late Bloomers

Meadow Blazingstar Narrow-leaved Sunflower Closed Gentian
New England Aster Canada Goldenrod Smooth Aster

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Manitoba's Tall Grass Prairie Preserve | Mixed Grass Prairie | Growing Prairie Wildflowers

Thanks for learning about Wildflowers of the Tall Grass Prairie! Bye for now!

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