Snakes Alive | Snake Den FAQs | Snake Den Videos | Spring Issue | NatureNorth's Front Page
Spring Snake Viewing Season 2025The 2025 spring viewing season is approaching. Follow the updates to the right on this page. You can help others have a better snake viewing experience! Send us an email of how the snake viewing was on your visit with this email link: My Snake Viewing Report. We'll update this site with your feedback. Thanks!
Remember, for best snake viewing, weather matters! Check the weather for the Interlake region at this link: Weather for Gimli, Manitoba. Snake Den Map and FAQ's - for a map to the den site and answers to some commonly asked questions about visiting the dens Click Here. 2022 Update - Media Information Package - Media outlets wishing to operate in the Narcisse Snake Dens should download the following:
Thinking of a trip to see the world famous red-sided garter snakes of Narcisse? It's about a one hour drive north from Winnipeg to the Narcisse Snake Dens. Sunny days are always best for snake viewing. There's a large gravel parking lot and the trails throughout the site are well-packed crushed limestone. Washrooms are available, but primitive (outhouses / privies). Bring your own food and drink, or you can stop in one of the towns along the way to eat. Water from the pumps on site is not potable, but suitable for washing or cooling off tired feet. Bring sunscreen as there isn't much shade along the trails. Take our Virtual Tour (below) to see conditions and facilities at the site, to help you prepare for your visit.
There are restaurants in Teulon and Inwood, and general stores and gas stations in Teulon, Inwood, Narcisse and Poplarfield.
Fall ViewingThe snakes return to the denning area from their summer feeding grounds in late August and September. If you can't get out in the spring, try making the trip in autumn. Snake numbers can be quite impressive on warm sunny days until the end of September. |
If you rely on us for information about the Snake Dens please consider a donation to help keep this site on-line. Thanks!
For Google Earth users, here's a KML file of the locations of the Narcisse Snake Dens. (Right click and "Save as". ) You can get more info directly from Manitoba Conservation at their website: The Snakes of Narcisse.
For some great information on Manitoba's red-sided garter snakes and the Narcisse Snake Dens check out the U-Haul Super Graphics website. Click the "Learn More" button at the U-Haul site. Check out this 1992 Masters of Natural Resource Management practicum which contains some great historical information: Check out this short CBC documentary from 2023 regarding the state of things at the Narcisse Snake Dens: Snake Eyes |
Take a Virtual Tour of the Snake DensIf you can't make it to
the Snake Dens or want to get ready for what you'll find when
you do go, then take our Virtual Snake Den Tour. Just click the
map to the right.
Snake Den VideosSee what you're missing if you don't visit the Narcisse Snake Dens! We've added more snake videos. Watch our videos on our new dedicated Snake Videos Page. |
September 6, 2024
The 2024 Fall Snake Viewing Season is underway.
"The snakes have begun their fall migration and are starting to arrive back at the snake dens. Warm, sunny days are the best for viewing snakes in the fall as they bask in the sunshine near the den entrances - Manitoba Conservation."
The autumn snake viewing season can be interesting, but the numbers visible will be much lower. A summer's worth of vegetation growth obscures many of the snakes.
May 31, 2024
The 2024 Spring Snake Viewing Season is over. There may be a few snakes around, but numbers will be very low.
Check back here in September for updates on the fall return of the snakes to the Dens.
May 22, 2024
Recent reports suggest that the snake viewing season is nearly over. Snake numbers at all dens are low. The peak of snake activity seems to have occured about 2 weeks ago.
Trail conditions are good. Please be respectful of others and careful with the snakes. Report any abuses you see or concerns you have.
May 17, 2024
Though the peak of snake emergence may have past there are still snakes around to view.
MB Natural Resources is reporting: "Dens 2, 3 and 4 are active, viewing will be good for the Victoria Day long weekend. Warm, sunny days are best for viewing snakes."
Direct reports from folks at the dens recently suggest that numbers and activity are on the low side.
May 13, 2024
Reports from this last weekend suggest that the peak of snake emergence may be past, but there will still be good numbers at Dens 2 and 3 for a while yet. Snake viewing will start to decline soon though.
Overall, numbers of snakes seem to be lower this year, but fluctuations in populations are normal.
May 9, 2024
Good snake action continues at Den 2 and Den 3. The weather forecast for this coming weekend (May 11-12) looks good so it should be a good time to plan a visit! Snake viewing will likely start to decline after this weekend.
Trail conditions are good. Please be respectful of others and careful with the snakes. Report any abuses you see or concerns you have.
May 6, 2024
Good snake action continues at Den 2 with modest activity at Dens 3 and 4. The weather forecast for this coming weekend (May 11-12) looks good so it should be a good time to plan a visit! Trail conditions are good.
Thanks to all the folks that have sent in reports, especially Stephanie, Trisha and Melissa!
Some folks have raised concerns about conditions and the actions of some people at the dens this last weekend. Snakes were being man-handled, long lines at the outhouses and high numbers of visitors and vehicles were reported, with many vehicles parked along the highway.
When the Den site is crowded please be respectful of others and careful with the snakes. Please report any abuses you see this coming weekend.
May 2, 2024
Good snake action continues at Den 2 with activity rising at the other dens. The weather forecast for this coming weekend (May 4-5) looks good so it should be a good time to plan a visit! Trail conditions are good, but with this week's rain there may be wet spots.
April 30, 2024:
The numbers of snakes at Narcisse have been increasing. Warm, sunny days are best for viewing snakes. Den 2 is currently the most active but dens 3 and 4 are active as well. All the trails have dried out. (From MB Natural Resources)
April 29, 2024
Stephanie reported on April 28: Great snake viewing on Sun, April 28! Lots of activity at den 2, decent activity at dens 3 and 4. Just a few snakes around den 1. Trail was dry except for tiny patch between dens 2 and 3.
Thanks to all the folks that have sent in reports!
Not looking like great weather for the coming week. Sunny days are always best for viewing.
April 25, 2024
A report from Apr. 24 lists trails as dry, some activity at Dens 3 and 4, and great activity at Den 2!
Folks are reporting good activity at Den 2, with lesser numbers at other dens. If the weather continues warm the end of April and early May could be the peak of emergence, perhaps earlier than in most years?
Thanks for the reports from this last weekend, Apr. 20-21: Everett, Monika, Shawn, Brian, Brigid and Zoe!
Everett also reported good trail conditions with only a few wet spots. The parking lot gate has been opened, outhouses were open and stocked with TP and soap. No interpreters were seen.
April 16, 2024
This past weekend has seen significant snake action at the Dens. Things are just getting going, but reports have come in that snakes were out at all the dens except #1, with numbers in the hundreds at some of the other dens. The weather for this week is looking cool and wet, but sunny again by the weekend, so snakes should be out again this weekend.
If the weather stays warm the end of April and early May could be the peak of emergence, perhaps earlier than in most years?
April 19, 2024
Snake season is slowly starting. With the warmer weather forecasted next week, the snakes should start to increase their activity and emerge from their winter dens. The trails are still soft and are covered in water in some places. Warm, sunny days are best for viewing snakes. (This update from MB Natural Resources was posted April 24.)
April 10, 2024
No word yet of any sightings of snakes at Narcisse Dens, it's still early. Some reports have come in of folks seeing Plains Garter Snakes, Manitoba's other garter snake species, out and about. Plains Garters overwinter below ground, too, but aren't found in the same concentrations as the Red-sided Garters at the Narcisse Dens.
April 1, 2024
No, it's not an April Fool's joke, spring may actually be coming to Manitoba soon! With our relatively small snow cover things could warm up rapidly at the Dens. But it will still be much later in April before there may be any real snake action. Be patient.
February 23, 2024
What will our really mild, little snow winter mean for spring snake viewing? Who knows? Start checking back here in late March for updates.
Check the updates above or check out our FAQs.
To see how things unfolded in previous years follow this link: Previous Years at the Dens.
Help out NatureNorth!If you enjoyed this article, videos and our virtual tour of the snake dens, please consider making a donation to help us create more great articles. Thanks for your support! |
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