Time to get out and enjoy the world again. Read up on some of the things to do and enjoy outside at this time of year.

Go get some frog eggs for your class room! Sit and watch a bee gathering nectar from the season's first blossoms!

Check out the fish spawning in the swollen streams! Go on, get out there!

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Join the MHA

Wood Frogs
Freeze, thaw & croak.

Snakes Alive
Our famous garter snakes.

Blue-Spotted Salamander
A cool critter from the netherworld.

White Sucker Run
Big fish in a little creek.

Loggerhead Shrike
Have you seen this bird?

Frog & Toad Calls
What a racket!

Snake Den Log
What's happening at the dens.

Manitoba Breeding Bird Atlas
Taking stock!

PPMMPPrairie & Parklands Marsh Monitoring

Wildlife Haven
Wildlife Haven
Rehabilitation Centre

Raising Tigers!
Tiger Salamanders
that is!



Pussy Willows
Biology of Pussy Willows.

Old Man's Whiskers
Three Flowered Avens.

Our Prairie Crocus
Manitoba's Floral Emblem.

Gardening with Native
Manitoba Plants

Grow Your Own Prairie Wild-

Pink Lady's Slipper
A cool wild orchid!

Blue-eyed Grass
Grass with eyes?

Versatile Violets
Beauty in Miniature.

Vote for Manitoba's
Prairie Grass Emblem!


Restoring Canada's Native Prairies
A practical manual.

Prairie Wildlife Rehabilitation CentrePrairie Wildlife
Rehabilitation Centre



Mourning Cloaks
Butterflies in the Snow & Class Room Quickie.

Silk Moths
Guide to Manitoba's
Giant Silk Moths.

Blister Beetle
A new beetle for Manitoba.



Silk Moths
in the Classroom

Wood Frogs
in the Classroom

Garter Snakes
in the Classroom

Frog Log
Our record of tadpole




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