The Wildlife of Omand's Creek - The Flora
By Doug Collicutt | (Click links for images.) |

Results: The Flora of Omand's Creek
Format For Results
The findings of this study are presented mainly in the form of annotated lists of the various types of flora and fauna encountered. Numerical analysis was applied only to the results of the general surveys for birds. As the intent of this work was to provide an objective account of the wildlife along these urban waterways, discussion of these findings has been kept to a minimum.
Inventory Effectiveness
From April to October, 1992, 53 general surveys were conducted, amounting to approximately 80 hr of observations. Another 20 hours were spent gathering data in other surveys, so the time spent on data gathering amounted to about 100 hr total, or the equivalent of 12.5 working days over the course of 7 months. With this investment of time and the simple techniques employed the wildlife resources of this section of Omand's Creek were revealed to be quite significant. One hundred and seventy-four (174) species of plants and 88 species of vertebrate animals were recorded along this 1 km stretch of the creeks, totaling just 8.6 ha (21.5 acres) of land.
Table 1: The Wildlife of Omand's Creek
Animals (vertebrates) |
Plants (higher) |
Length / Area surveyed: |
Flora of Omand's Creek
A total of 174 species of higher plants were recorded during this study. Mosses, algae and other lower plants were not considered in this work. The identified plants, listed in Table 3 (below) represent 57 different families. Common names are as in Looman and Best (1979). Only those plants identifiable at least to genus have been included. Plants identifiable only to genus were listed as unidentified (UID). Each species was assigned to one of six groups based on its growth form or habitat type:
- Tree
- Woody perennial which regularly exceeds 3 m in height
- Shrub
- Woody perennial usually less than 3 m in height (including woody vines)
- Forb
- Herbaceous (non-woody) plant not considered a grass, emergent or aquatic
- Grass
- Herbaceous "grass-like" plant not considered a forb, emergent or aquatic
- Emergent
- Herbaceous plant which grows near the water's edge, either partially submerged or in wet ground
- Aquatic
- Herbaceous plant that floats on the water's surface or is submerged
The relative occurrence of each species within each area of the study site is given in the columns to the right in Table 3. Plants were classed as:
- Abundant (A)
- Very numerous and a dominant part of the vegetation in at least part of the area
- Common (C)
- Numerous, but did not dominate any particular plant community
- Occasional (O)
- Represented by only a few specimens
The absence of a species in an area was denoted by a dash in the appropriate space (Table 3).
Table 2 summarizes the numbers of plant species recorded by areas and types. A general description of the vegetation of each part of the study site is given below. (The flora of the aquatic environment was not surveyed adequately enough to include in these descriptions.)
Table 2. Summary of Plant Types. The number of species recorded overall, and for each area, by plant type is given.
# of Species | Area 1 | Area 2 | Area 3 | Total |
Total |
127 | 148 | 92 | 174 |
Trees |
8 | 8 | 5 | 10 |
Shrubs |
14 | 12 | 7 | 19 |
Grasses |
18 | 24 | 13 | 27 |
Forbs |
73 | 92 | 54 | 102 |
Emergents |
11 | 11 | 11 | 12 |
Aquatics |
3 | 3 | 2 | 4 |
Overall Vegetation Descriptions
AREA 1. This area supports a variety of plant communities. Near the water's edge, prairie cord grass, cattails, sandbar and pussy willows, and various sedges dominate. Higher up the creek banks a grassland community dominates. It consists of smooth brome, quack grass, Kentucky bluegrass and a variety of native prairie grasses such as big bluestem, green needle grass and spear grass, with various forbs including sweet clovers, Canada thistle, graceful goldenrod, crocus and yellow lady's slipper. Dense patches of snowberry occur throughout this area and there are small stands of young Manitoba maple, cottonwood and other trees scattered throughout. At the north end of Area 1 is a small woodland consisting of several medium sized Manitoba maple, American elm and peach-leaved willow trees, with various shrubs forming a dense underlayer.
Yellow Lady's Slipper along the railroad tracks.
AREA 2. Most of Area 2 was "redeveloped" in 1987 as part of the development of Bluestem Nature Park. One acre (0.4 ha) of prairie sod was transplanted to the park, 5 acres (2 ha) was seeded with tall grass prairie species, plugs of native tree and shrub species were transplanted to the park, and various wetland plants were transplanted into two specially created wetland sites. The upland area remains, however, dominated by a grassland community formed largely of smooth brome and quack grass. Most of the seeded area failed to establish with the desired species, although there is a variety of prairie species represented by scattered individuals, including big bluestem, Canada wild rye, gaillardia, narrow- leaved sunflower and black-eyed susan. Many of the planted or transplanted woody species failed to survive. Wetland areas along the creek hold a diverse array of plants including, cattails, prairie cord grass, tall manna grass, arrow head and sandbar willow.
Prairie Crocus in Bluestem Park | Big Bluestem grass, the namesake of the park.
AREA 3. This area was, until the early 1980's, a manicured parkland. The site has been allowed to "naturalize" through the cessation of mowing and other aspects of traditional park maintenance. The uplands consist of a grassland community, dominated by Kentucky bluegrass, smooth brome and quack grass with scattered forbs, including smooth aster, yarrow, Canada thistle and sow thistles. Medium to large American elm trees occur at regular intervals along the length of Area 3, along with ornamental shrub plantings containing red osier dogwood and lilacs. Dense stands of cattails dominate the wetland edge along the creek and extend across the entire creek in shallow spots.
Table 3: Annotated list of the flora of Omand's Creek.
AREA | |||||
1 | 2 | 3 |
Equisetaceae (horsetails) |
Equisetum arvense |
field horsetail |
forb |
A | O | O | |
Typhaceae (cattails) |
Typha latifolia |
common cattail |
emergent |
O | C | A | |
Sparaganiaceae (bur-reeds) |
Sparganium eurycarpum |
bur-reed |
emergent |
O | O | O | |
Alismaceae (water-plantains) |
Alisma plantago-aquatica |
common water plantain |
emergent |
O | O | C | |
Sagittaria cuneata |
arum-leaved arrowhead |
emergent |
O | O | C | |
Gramineae (grasses) |
Agropyron cristatum |
crested wheat grass |
grass |
- | O | C | |
Agropyron repens |
quack grass |
grass |
C | C | C | |
Agrostis stolonifera |
redtop |
grass |
O | O | C | |
Andropogon gerardii |
big bluestem |
grass |
O | C | - | |
Andropogon scoparius |
little bluestem |
grass |
- | C | O | |
Avena fatua |
wild oats |
grass |
- | C | - | |
Beckmannia syzigachne |
slough grass |
grass |
O | O | - | |
Bromus inermis |
smooth brome |
grass |
C | C | C | |
Distichlis stricta |
alkali grass |
grass |
- | O | - | |
Echinochloa crusgalli |
barnyard grass |
grass |
O | O | O | |
Elymus canadensis |
Canada wild rye |
grass |
- | C | - | |
Glyceria grandis |
tall manna grass |
grass |
O | O | O | |
Hierochloe odorata |
sweet grass |
grass |
- | O | O | |
Hordeum jubatum |
foxtail barley |
grass |
C | C | C | |
Panicum capillare |
witch grass |
grass |
C | O | O | |
Panicum virgatum |
switch grass |
grass |
- | O | - | |
Phalaris arundinacea |
reed canary grass |
grass |
O | C | O | |
Phleum pratense |
Timothy |
grass |
O | - | - | |
Phragmites australis |
giant reed grass |
grass |
- | O | - | |
Poa pratensis |
Kentucky bluegrass |
grass |
C | C | A | |
Puccinellia distans |
slender salt-meadow grass |
grass |
O | O | - | |
Setaria glauca |
yellow foxtail |
grass |
O | - | - | |
Setaria viridis |
green foxtail |
grass |
O | O | - | |
Spartina pectinata |
prairie cord grass |
grass |
A | A | A | |
Sporobolus heterolepis |
prairie dropseed |
grass |
- | O | - | |
Stipa spartea |
spear grass |
grass |
O | - | - | |
Stipa viridula |
green needle grass |
grass |
O | O | - | |
Cyperaceae (sedges) |
Carex sp. |
UID sedge |
emergent |
O | O | O | |
Eleocharis sp. |
UID spike-rush |
emergent |
O | O | O | |
Scirpus americanus |
three-square bulrush |
emergent |
O | O | O | |
Scirpus validus |
great bulrush |
emergent |
C | C | C | |
Scirpus sp. |
UID bulrush |
emergent |
O | O | - | |
Lemnaceae (duckweeds) |
Lemna minor |
lesser duckweed |
aquatic |
C | C | C | |
Juncaceae (rushes) |
Juncus sp. |
emergent |
O | O | O | ||
Liliaceae (lilies) |
Allium stellatum |
pink-flowered onion |
forb |
- | O | - |
Asparagus officinales |
asparagus |
forb |
O | O | - | |
Smilacina stellata |
star-flowered Solomon's seal |
forb |
- | - | O | |
Iridaceae (irises) |
Sysyrinchium montanum |
blue-eyed grass |
forb |
O | O | - | |
Orchidaceae (orchids) |
Cypripedium calceolus |
large yellow lady's slipper |
forb |
O | - | - | |
Salicaceae (willows) |
Populus deltoides |
cottonwood |
tree |
O | O | O | |
Populus tremuloides |
trembling aspen |
tree |
O | O | - | |
Salix amygdaloides |
peach-leaved willow |
tree |
O | O | - | |
Salix discolor |
pussy willow |
shrub |
O | O | O | |
Salix interior |
sandbar willow |
shrub |
A | A | A | |
Betulaceae (birches) |
Corylus americana |
american hazelnut |
shrub |
- | O | - | |
Fagaceae (beeches) |
Quercus macrocarpa |
bur oak |
tree |
- | O | - | |
Ulmaceae (elms) |
Ulmus americana |
American elm |
tree |
O | - | C | |
Ulmus pumila |
Siberian elm |
tree |
O | O | O | |
Urticaceae (nettles) |
Urtica dioica |
stinging nettle |
forb |
O | O | - | |
Polygonaceae (buckwheats) |
Polygonum convolvulus |
wild buckwheat |
forb |
O | O | - | |
Polygonum sp. |
smartweed |
forb |
O | O | O | |
Rumex crispus |
curled dock |
forb |
O | C | O | |
Chenopodiaceae (goosefoot) |
Chenopodium album |
lamb's quarters |
forb |
O | O | O | |
Kochia scoparia |
kochia |
forb |
O | O | O | |
Salsola kali |
Russian thistle |
forb |
O | O | O | |
Amaranthaceae (amaranths) |
Amaranthus retroflexus |
red-root pigweed |
forb |
O | O | O | |
Caryophyllaceae (pinks) |
Silene cucubalus |
bladder campion |
forb |
C | C | O | |
Ceratophllaceae (hornworts) |
Ceratophyllum demersum |
hornwort |
aquatic |
C | C | C | |
Nymphaeaceae (water-lilies) |
Nuphar variegatum |
yellow pond-lily |
aquatic |
- | O | - | |
Ranunculaceae (crowfoot) |
Anemone canadensis |
Canada anemone |
forb |
O | O | - | |
Anemone cylindrica |
long-fruited anemone |
forb |
O | O | - | |
Anemone patens |
prairie crocus |
forb |
O | O | - | |
Ranunculus acris |
tall buttercup |
forb |
O | - | - | |
Thalictrum venulosum |
veiny meadowrue |
forb |
O | O | O | |
Cruciferae (mustards) |
Armoracia rusticana |
horse-radish |
forb |
O | O | O | |
Brassica kaber |
wild mustard |
forb |
O | O | O | |
Descurainia sophia |
flixweed |
forb |
O | O | - | |
Hesperis matronalis |
dame's rocket |
forb |
- | O | - | |
Thlaspi arvense |
stinkweed |
forb |
O | O | O | |
Saxifragaceae (saxifrages) |
Ribes americanum |
wild black currant |
shrub |
O | - | - | |
Rosaceae (roses) |
Amelanchier alnifolia |
saskatoon |
shrub |
- | O | - | |
Crataegus sp. |
hawthorn |
shrub |
O | O | - | |
Cotoneaster acutifolia |
cotoneaster |
shrub |
O | - | O | |
Geum triflorum |
three-flowered avens |
forb |
- | O | - | |
Potentilla anserina |
silverweed |
forb |
C | C | C | |
Potentilla norvegica |
rough cinquefoil |
forb |
C | C | O | |
Prunus pensylvanica |
pincherry |
shrub |
- | - | - | |
Prunus virginiana |
chokecherry |
shrub |
O | O | - | |
Rosa acicularis |
prickly rose |
shrub |
C | O | - | |
Rubus idaeus |
raspberry |
shrub |
- | O | - | |
Leguminosae (peas) |
Astragalus danicus |
purple milk-vetch |
forb |
O | C | O | |
Astragalus drummondii |
Canada milk-vetch |
forb |
O | O | - | |
Glycyrrhiza lepidota |
wild licorice |
forb |
O | C | O | |
Lotus corniculatus |
bird's foot trefoil |
forb |
- | - | O | |
Medicago lupulina |
black medic |
forb |
C | C | C | |
Medicago sativa |
alfalfa |
forb |
C | C | C | |
Melilotus alba |
white sweet-clover |
forb |
C | C | C | |
Melilotus officinalis |
yellow sweet-clover |
forb |
C | C | C | |
Petalsotemon purpureum |
purple prairie-clover |
forb |
O | O | O | |
Psoralea argophylla |
silver-leaved psoralea |
forb |
- | O | - | |
Trifolium hybridum |
alsike clover |
forb |
O | O | O | |
Trifolium pratense |
red clover |
forb |
O | O | O | |
Trifolium repens |
white clover |
forb |
O | O | O | |
Vicia americana |
American vetch |
forb |
O | O | O | |
Vicia cracca |
tufted vetch |
forb |
C | C | C | |
Geraniaceae (geraniums) |
Geranium bicknellii |
Bicknell's geranium |
forb |
- | O | - | |
Linaceae (flax) |
Linum lewisii |
Lewis wild flax |
forb |
- | O | - | |
Callitrichaceae (water starworts) |
Callitriche palustris |
vernal water starwort |
aquatic |
O | - | - | |
Anacardiaceae (sumachs) |
Rhus radicans |
poison-ivy |
forb |
- | O | - | |
Aceraceae (maples) |
Acer negundo |
Manitoba maple |
tree |
C | C | C | |
Vitaceae (grapes) |
Parthenocissus quinquefolia |
Virginia creeper |
shrub |
O | - | - | |
Tilaceae (lindens) |
Tilia americana |
basswood |
tree |
- | O | - | |
Elaegnaceae (oleasters) |
Elaeagnus angustifolia |
Russian olive |
tree |
O | - | - | |
Elaeagnus commutata |
silverberry |
shrub |
O | - | - | |
Onagraceae (evening-primroses) |
Epilobium ciliatum |
northern willow-herb |
forb |
O | - | - | |
Oenothera biennis |
yellow evening-primrose |
forb |
C | C | O | |
Halograceae (water milfoil) |
Hippuris vulgaris |
mare's tail |
emergent |
- | - | O |
Umbelliferae (parsleys) |
Pastinaca sativa |
wild parsnip |
forb |
- | C | - | |
Sium suave |
water parsnip |
emergent |
O | O | O | |
Cornaceae (dogwoods) |
Cornus alba |
red-osier dogwood |
shrub |
O | O | C | |
Oleaceae (olives) |
Fraxinus pennsylvanica |
green ash |
tree |
O | C | O | |
Syringa vulgaris |
common lilac |
shrub |
- | - | C | |
Syringa sp. |
unidentified lilac |
shrub |
O | - | - | |
Apocyanaceae (dog banes) |
Apocyanum cannabinum |
indian hemp |
forb |
O | C | - | |
Asclepiadaceae (milkweeds) |
Asclepias incarnata |
swamp milkweed |
forb |
- | O | - | |
Asclepias ovalifolium |
dwarf milkweed |
forb |
O | O | - | |
Asclepias syriaca |
silky milkweed |
forb |
O | O | O | |
Asclepias verticillata |
whorled milkweed |
forb |
O | O | - | |
Convolvulaceae (convolvulus) |
Convolvulus sepium |
hedge bindweed |
forb |
O | O | O | |
Boraginaceae (borage) |
Lappula echinata |
bluebur |
forb |
O | O | - | |
Labiatae (mints) |
Gaeleopsis tetrahit |
hemp nettle |
forb |
- | O | - | |
Lycopus asper |
western water-horehound |
forb |
O | O | O | |
Mentha arvensis |
field mint |
forb |
- | O | O | |
Monarda fistulosa |
bergamot |
forb |
- | O | - | |
Solanaceae (potatoes) |
Solanum triflorum |
wild tomatoe |
forb |
- | - | O | |
Scrophulariaceae (figworts) |
Penstemon gracilis |
lilac-flowered beardtongue |
forb |
- | O | - | |
Plantaginaceae (plantains) |
Plantago major |
common plantain |
forb |
O | O | O | |
Rubiaceae (madder) |
Galium boreale |
northern bedstraw |
forb |
O | O | - | |
Caprifoliaceae (honeysuckles) |
Lonicera tatarica |
Tartarian honeysuckle |
shrub |
O | - | O | |
Symphoricarpus occidentalis |
western snowberry |
shrub |
A | C | O | |
Viburnum lentago |
nannyberry |
shrub |
- | O | - | |
Viburnum opulus |
high bush-cranberry |
shrub |
O | O | - | |
Campanulaceae (bluebells) |
Campanula rapunculoides |
creeping bluebell |
forb |
O | - | - | |
Compositae (composites) Group 1 |
Ambrosia artemisiifolia |
common ragweed |
forb |
O | O | O | |
Ambrosia trifida |
great ragweed |
forb |
O | O | O | |
Ambrosia psilostachya |
perennial ragweed |
forb |
O | O | - | |
Iva xanthifolia |
false ragweed |
forb |
O | O | O | |
Xanthium strumarium |
cocklebur |
forb |
O | O | O | |
Compositae (composites) Group 2 |
Cichorium intybus |
chicory |
forb |
- | O | - | |
Lactuca pulchella |
blue lettuce |
forb |
O | O | - | |
Sonchus arvensis |
perennial sow-thistle |
forb |
O | O | O |
Sonchus oleraceus |
annual sow-thistle |
forb |
- | O | - | |
Taraxacum officinale |
dandelion |
forb |
C | C | C | |
Tragopogon dubius |
yellow goat's beard |
forb |
O | C | O | |
Compositae (composites) Group 3 |
Achillea millefolium |
yarrow |
forb |
C | C | C | |
Arctium lappa |
common burdock |
forb |
- | O | O | |
Artemisia absinthum |
absinthe |
forb |
A | C | O | |
Artemisia ludoviciana |
prairie sage |
forb |
O | C | O | |
Aster ericoides |
many-flowered aster |
forb |
C | C | O | |
Aster hesperius |
willow aster |
forb |
O | O | O | |
Aster laevis |
smooth aster |
forb |
C | C | C | |
Bidens cernua |
smooth beggarticks |
forb |
O | - | - | |
Bidens frondosa |
common beggarticks |
forb |
O | O | - | |
Cirsium arvense |
Canada thistle |
forb |
O | A | A | |
Cirsium flodmanii |
Flodman's thistle |
forb |
- | O | - | |
Erigeron philadelphicus |
Philadelphia fleabane |
forb |
- | O | - | |
Gaillardia aristata |
gaillardia |
forb |
- | O | - | |
Grindelia squarrosa |
gumweed |
forb |
C | C | C | |
Helianthus maximilianii |
narrow-leaved sunflower |
forb |
O | C | - | |
Helianthus laetiflorus |
beatuiful sunflower |
forb |
- | O | - | |
Helianthus tuberosus |
Jerusalem artichoke |
forb |
- | O | - | |
Liatris ligulistylis |
meadow blazingstar |
forb |
O | O | - | |
Matricaria matricarioides |
pineappleweed |
forb |
C | C | C | |
Rudbeckia hirta |
black-eyed susan |
forb |
- | O | O | |
Solidago canadensis |
graceful goldenrod |
forb |
A | C | C | |
Solidago nemoralis |
showy goldenrod |
forb |
- | O | - | |
Solidago missouriensis |
low goldenrod |
forb |
- | C | - | |
Solidago rigida |
stiff goldenrod |
forb |
O | C | - |
Carry on for the Fauna of Omand's Creek
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